Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Too busy to blog?

That's what I've been telling myself over the last few weeks. As a small business half the job is getting out there, marketing your services efficiently and hopefully finding work. At this moment at Mannimation we have more than half a dozen projects in various states of progress. If a deadline is shifted forward it can put pressure on other areas - which can squeeze out time allotted to other less vital activities like blogging.

Our weekends and evenings have often been taken up with overflow work - leaving us with not much downtime. We managed to take the bank holiday weekend off - which was great. Those three days were just enough to recharge the batteries.

Looking forward, we are progressing on the book jacket for the Manx translation of Murder on the Orient Express, we've done some T shirt designing for the TT season and there are ongoing animation projects with Culture Vannin and the banking sector.

I'm continuing to teach at college, advising the students on their final major projects which we'll be assessing in late June. I'm also attending Code Club regularly and will be producing a short introduction to Blender (free to use 3d design and animation software) for them in July.

We received a nice surprise in the post last week - a certificate from the Celtic Media Festival acknowledging Manannan as a shortlisted entry in the animation category. Although we didn't win, it will look great on the wall - and spur us on for next year.
Gary at Mannimation.